RRISA Access

All of the IGRINS data is stored using Box. RRISA holds all of the download links you'll need to access any of the IGRINS data products. We support access through of RRISA through Python and provide tutorials for users to follow. We recommend that users install Anaconda, a Python distributor and Python package manager. Direcitons for installing Anaconda on various operating systems can be found here. Finally, we suggest that users seperate projects that use drastically different packages by utilizing environments. A more detailed example of creating a specific environment for a project can be seen in the Quick-Look tutorial (when installing the developer version of muler).


All of the tutorials are avalible as Jupyter Notebooks. You can install jupyter in a specific environment (after installing Anaconda) and open a jupyter kernal using the following lines of code in a terminal:

> source activate env-name
> conda install -c conda-forge notebook
> conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
> jupyter notebook

RRISA Quickstart

In these code snippets, we will walk through how to import the RRISA files into Python using pandas DataFrame objects, manipulate DataFrames in various ways to find subsets of data, and how to download an IGRINS data product using Python. The full tutorial, with outputs, is avalible as a Jupyter Notebook in the Tutorials folder on our GitHub.

Reading in a RRISA File

pandas provides the .read_csv function which can easily read in any of the RRISA files.

import pandas
#read in the cross matched superlog
xmatch_superlog = pd.read_csv('../RRISA_XMatch/xmatch_log.csv')

Downloading IGRINS Data Products

All of the values in the columns containing the download URLs are strings. We can easily convert strings back into dictionaries (filename-url pairs) using the ast package. After, we use the requests package to query the links for each file and download the content.

import requests
import ast
#example dictionary with filename-url pairs
test_dict = ast.literal_eval(xmatch_superlog['URLS_H'].iloc[0])
An example output dictionary that holds the download URLs.

Here is an example of downloading one file from the above dictionary using the requests package.

#using a session here means that requests can fetch the information faster
#since the connection is reused
session = requests.Session()
#the response holds lots of information gathered from the request (session.get())
response = session.get(test_dict['20170915/SDCH_20170915_0049.spec_a0v.fits'])
#we can check the status code to make sure our link was found successfully
if response.status_code == 200:
  #open a file with the corresponding filename to dump the file content into
  with open("SDCH_20170915_0049.spec_a0v.fits", 'wb') as f:
    #write the file
  #close the file--especially important when writing many files at once or
  #trying to prevent against corrupted files
  #print that we downloaded the file
  print(f"Downloaded SDCH_20170915_0049.spec_a0v.fits")

A more detailed example for multiple file downloads can be found in the full Quickstart tutorial on our GitHub.

DataFrame Manipulation

We can find the highest signal to noise spectra for each object using only a few lines of code. First we sort the DataFrame using the 'SNRH' column from highest to lowest value and then we drop all of the rows that have a repeat object name. When we keep the first occurance of each object name then we get the highest SNR H band observation for each object!

#sort H band SNR from highest to lowest
xmatch_superlog.sort_values(by=['SNRH'], ascending = False, inplace = True)
#drop all but the first occurance of each object name
xmatch_superlog.drop_duplicates(subset = ['MAIN_ID'], keep = 'first', inplace = True)

We can also set limits on specific values. In this example we require that the SNR in the H band is higher than 150.

#make a new DataFrame where the SNR H band spectra is greater than or equal to 150
subset = xmatch_superlog[xmatch_superlog['SNRH'] >= 150.]

We can also search for substrings within the possible identifiers for objects with SIMBAD counterparts. Here is an example that shows how to search for the substring "Tau" within the SIMBAD identfiers.

#it is important to convert the Series (subset['IDS']) into a string (.astype(str))
#so that way we do not get any errors from NaN values within the IDS column
subset_tau = subset[subset['IDS'].astype('str').str.contains('Tau')]

Finally, we can select specifically targets using:

#only keep TAR OBJTYPEs
targets_tau = subset_tau[subset_tau['OBJTYPE'].astype('str').str.contains('TAR')]

We can also filter by coordinates, but that process is more complicated and will be covered in a specific tutorial.

Reduce Raw IGRINS Spectra Using The IGRINS PipeLine Package (IGRINS plp)


The installation and methods of the IGRINS Pipeline Package (PLP) are detailed in the PLP Github wiki. The most recent version is V2.2 and it runs using Python 2.7. To manage your Python environments we recommend installing Anaconda. Once Anaconda is installed, follow these steps to create a PLP environment:

> conda create -n igr-pipe python=2.7
> source activate igr-pipe
> conda install numpy scipy astropy matplotlib pandas jinja2
> pip install stsci.image==2.2.0.dev0

Download the latest version of the PLP and place in a convient location (e.g. in your root folder or on your Desktop).

Running the PLP

Open a new terminal window and cd to the PLP folder. While there are numerous options within the PLP reduction, the RRISA reduced data have been created using the following commands:

1. Activate the conda environment for the PLP

> source activate igr-pipe

2. Define the UT date for the data reduction. The raw data should be located in indata folder of PLP.

> UTDATE=20210105

3. Create a recipe log file which must be edited.

> python igr_pipe.py prepare-recipe-logs $UTDATE --populate-group1

The recipe file is compiled from the '.txt' log produced each night. If mistakes were made while observing, then they will persist in the recipe file. You need to review the recipe file for the file numbers and matching 'A B B A' sequences. The PLP requires FLATS (ON/OFF), SKY, TAR, and STD files for a full reduction of the data. Group1 in each row of the recipe identifies the OBSID - the first file in the observing sequence. Those numbers must match. Group2 in each row is set to '1' by default, but should be changed to match the OBSID of the telluric standard. An example recipe file looks like:

FLAT, FLAT, 1, 1, 40.000000, FLAT, 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15, OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON
G162-44, TAR, 26, 21, 120.000000, STELLAR_AB, 26 27, A B
HIP 38722, STD, 21, 1, 3.000000, A0V_AB, 21 22 23 24, A B B A
SKY, TAR, 85, 1, 300.000000, SKY, 85, A

4. Perform the reduction sequence for each recipe in the recipe file

for RECIPE in flat register-sky sky-wvlsol a0v-ab a0v-onoff stellar-ab extended-ab
extended-onoff stellar-onoff tell-wvsol
do python igr_pipe.py $RECIPE $UTDATE
  if [ $rc != "0" ]; then
    exit $rc

5. Perform the telluric correction

> python igr_pipe.py divide-a0v $UTDATE --a0v=GROUP2

We have provided recipe files for every night of reduced data. Please see the Reduced RRISA page for details of the PLP output.

Quick-Look IGRINS Spectra Using muler

muler is an open-source community-developed Python package for analysis of data from echelle spectrographs. muler makes it easy to look at reduced IGRINS data!

muler has a very detailed and easy to follow installation page. It is important to make sure when installing muler through conda or pip that the package version is >= 0.3.3, other versions have installation dependency issues that will prevent certain functions from working properly. More importantly, muler must be installed in a Python 3.8 or greater environment. An environment with a specific Python version can be created using the following in the terminal:

> conda create -n env_name python=3.8

muler has excellent documentation and tutorials which we highly recommend consulting when using RRISA. Any questions, bugs, or feature requests can be posted to the muler GitHub.

The following tutorial quickly walks through how to read files downloaded using RRISA into muler for viewing. There are two ways to read in an IGRINS spectrum: an entire band at once or one order in a band at a time. To read in all of the orders at once we can use the IGRINSSpectrumList class:

from muler.igrins import IGRINSSpectrumList
#H Band spectra file path (in this directory the .sn file also exists) having a .sn file
#with the corresponding file number in the same directory is a requirement of muler
path_H = '20160227/21_Tau/SDCH_20160227_0041.spec_a0v.fits'
#read in the H band spectrum
spec_list = IGRINSSpectrumList.read(path_H)
#plot the spectrum!
spec_list.remove_nans().trim_edges().normalize().plot(color=None, ylo=0, yhi=5)
An H-Band IGRINS spectra plotted with muler.

To only read in one order at a time we can use the IGRINSSpectrum class:

from muler.igrins import IGRINSSpectrum
#read in a specific H Band order from the spectrum file
order = IGRINSSpectrum(file=path_H, order = 21)
#plot the order!
order.remove_nans().trim_edges().normalize().plot(color=None, ylo=0.8, yhi=1.2)
An H-Band IGRINS order plotted with muler.

A more detailed tutorial, including how to stitch H and K band spectra together can be found in the Tutorials folder on our GitHub (and in the muler docs!).