The Raw & Reduced IGRINS Spectral Archive (RRISA)

Version 3: Hosting August 2014-May 2023


IGRINS is a high resolution (R ~ 45,000) spectrograph that simultanously covers H- and K-band (1.45-2.45 μm) in a single exposure built as a collaboration between the University of Texas at Austin and the Korean Astronomy and Space-Science Institute. Since coming online in the summer of 2014, IGRINS has spent over 1,000 nights on sky collecting spectra on 3,400 unique targets.

RRISA allows anyone to access public IGRINS data including both the raw .fits files and the reduced data products output from the IGRINS PLP v3 (Kaplan+ 2024). RRISA features spreadsheets with infomation about IGRINS observations and IGRINS targets that can be easily searched and sorted. These spreadsheets also include links for users to download IGRINS data either by night (for raw frames) or per target (for reduced data products). Finally, the RRISA XMatch sheet includes additional information about IGRINS targets from the SIMBAD, 2MASS, Gaia DR3, APOGEE2 DR17, and PASTEL catalogs.

Finally, RRISA provides a Quickstart tutorial on navigating the spreadsheets to pull out subsamples or targets of interest and a μler tutorial so users can quickly plot and manipulate IGRINS spectra using our companion code muler (μler).

To learn more about RRISA and IGRINS visit our website!